Incredible work - your first step to a beautiful home

Project Arbor

First 2 pieces of 4
w/ 1 coat of pecan satin stain

2 side pieces assembled
w/ 2x4s and plywood panels
on the bottom to create the
space for the water basins.
Outside decoration: bamboo

connecting the 2 arbor parts
on top with 2x6 beams;
all edges beveled

test run to see if everything
is leveled
ready made doors,
all stained in pecan satin shade

metal decoration for doors
(Pier 1 Imports);
copper sun deco (Lowes)

connecting a side part
with 2x4s and also bamboo deco

view from inside with
doors open
waterfalls made with
backer board....
pebble stome tiles.
Copper pipes run inside

conection to the
neighbor's fence
view from inside
with doors closed
view from the outside
wataerfalls up and running